I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
As the school year comes to an end, students need to reflect on their journey and celebrate their growth. These task cards provide an engaging way for students to think about their experiences, achievements, and challenges from the past year.
Through students’ responses, you’ll gain valuable insight into their thoughts and feelings about their school year. This feedback can help you guide your future teaching methods and classroom strategies.
Students will benefit from the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and identify areas of personal growth and learning. Reflecting on their feelings and behaviors helps students gain a better understanding of themselves and their peers.
Students can take pride in acknowledging their accomplishments from the past year, boosting their confidence and self-esteem.
These cards can be used in various ways, including group discussions, written reflections, or one-to-one conversations, making them a flexible tool for any classroom setting.
This resource includes:
32 Task cards (Color Version)
32 Task cards (Black and White)
Recording Sheets (Black and White)
Recording Sheets (Google Slides Color Version)
Google Slides
JPG images
★ Related resource:
Download the Spanish Version
★You may like these resources:
End of School Year Activities
End of the School Year
End of the School Year - Album
Give students a meaningful way to reflect on their year.
Ignite a unique Halloween celebration while empowering your students to transition from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset!
Guide your students to develop a deep awareness of their abilities, attitudes, challenges, and responsibilities in both learning and life. Encourage them to recognize and appreciate the progress they’re making, reinforcing their confidence in the connection between effort and success.
The power of the number three lies in its ability to inspire your kids to reflect on their thoughts and attitudes. Instead of collecting candies, they’ll be collecting wisdom.
This resource is an absolute gem for introducing and fostering a growth mindset within the classroom, especially during Halloween celebrations.
Motivate your students to share their mini books and responses with their families for additional reinforcement.
This resource includes:
A Growth mindset -Trick or “Three” Halloween Mini-Book in black and white 12 half pages.
A Halloween award/certificate placed at the end of the mini-book in color and black and white “one-half page in color”.
★Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
★ You may like these Halloween resources:
Growth Mindset - Trick or “Three” Halloween Mini-Book
Halloween - Pennant / Banner - Version 1 Ghost
Halloween - Pennant / Banner - Version 2 Witch
Halloween - Pennant / Banner - Version 3 Pumpkin
Halloween Main Facts
Monster Stick Puppets
I AM… Positive Affirmations - Pumpkin Acrostic
Welcome October - Monthly Activity
Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your classroom!
Este recurso es perfecto para celebrar el Día Nacional de las Mascotas y rendir homenaje a todos los animales de compañía. Ayuda a los niños a comprender el inmenso valor de las mascotas y las responsabilidades asociadas a ellas. Sirve como actividad atractiva que fomenta la escritura espontánea y la reflexión.
Este Minilibro es beneficioso tanto para los niños que tienen mascotas como para los que no. Permite a los niños apreciar la importancia de las mascotas y el respeto que merecen.
Por último, no olvidemos que tu clase tendrá un aspecto excepcionalmente encantador con los adorables banderines desplegados por toda ella.
Cada página está inspirada en e recursol Mascotas Presentación PowerPoint. Después de discutir cada diapositiva y explorar diferentes perspectivas, se anima a los niños a escribir sus propias ideas y sacar conclusiones.
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Día Nacional de las Mascotas - Portada
Página 2: ¿Qué Significa para ti una Mascota?
Página 3: ¿Cuáles son las Ventajas de Tener una Mascota
Página 4: ¿Cómo Cuidar de las Mascotas en Casa?
Página 5: ¿Cuáles son las Responsabilidades del Propietario de una Mascota?
Página 6: ¿Por qué Debo Adoptar una Mascota?
Página 7: ¿Por qué Debería/no Debería tener una Mascota?
Página 8: ¿Qué Puedes Aprender de las Mascotas?
Página 9: Mi Mascota Favorita
Página 10: Mi Mascota
Página 11: Día Nacional de las Mascotas - Banderín
★ Download more versions:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
★ Related resources:
Mascotas Presentación PowerPoint
Día de la Mascota | Etiqueta de Cordón
El Zoológico - Cosas Que Nos Enseñan Los Animales
¡Feliz Día Nacional de las Mascotas!
This resource is perfect for celebrating National Pet Day and paying tribute to all pets. It helps children understand the immense value of pets and the responsibilities associated with them. It serves as an engaging activity that encourages spontaneous writing and reflection.
This Mini Book is beneficial for both children who have pets and those who do not. It enables children to appreciate the significance of pets and the respect they deserve.
Finally, let’s not forget that your classroom will look exceptionally charming with the adorable pennants displayed all around it.
Each page is inspired by the Pet PowerPoint Presentation resource. After discussing each slide and exploring different perspectives, children are prompted to write their own ideas and draw conclusions.
This resource includes:
Page 1: International Pet Day - Cover
Page 2: What a Pet Means to You?
Page 3: What are the Benefits of Owning a Pet?
Page 4: How to Take Care of Pets at Home?
Page 5: What are the Responsibilities of a Pet Owner?
Page 6: Why you Should Adopt a Pet?
Page 7: Why you Should/Shouldn’t Have a Pet?
Page 8: What Can you Learn from Pets?
Page 9: My Favorite Pet
Page 10: My Pet
Page 11: Pet Day Pennant
★ Download more versions:
Download the Spanish Version
Pet PowerPoint Presentation
Pet Day | Lanyard Tag
The Zoo - Things Animals Teach Us
Happy National Pet Day!
Organiza una celebración de Halloween única mientras ayuda a tus estudiantes a pasar de una mentalidad fija a una mentalidad de crecimiento.
Guía a tus niños para que desarrollen una profunda conciencia de sus capacidades, actitudes, retos y responsabilidades tanto en el aprendizaje como en la vida. Anímales a reconocer y apreciar los progresos que están haciendo, reforzando su confianza en la conexión entre esfuerzo y éxito.
El poder del número tres reside en su capacidad para inspirar a tus estudiantes a reflexionar sobre sus pensamientos y actitudes. En lugar de coleccionar caramelos, coleccionarán sabiduría.
Este recurso es una joya absoluta para introducir y fomentar una mentalidad de crecimiento en clase mientras celebras Halloween.
Motiva a tus estudiantes para que compartan sus mini libros y respuestas con sus familias como refuerzo adicional.
El recurso contiene:
Mentalidad de crecimiento -Trick or “Treat” Halloween Minilibro en blanco y negro (12 medias páginas).
Un certificado a color, ubicado al final del minilibro.
★ Related Resources:
Descarga la versión en Inglés!
★ Recursos de Halloween que te van a encantar:
Halloween - Banderín Versión 1 - Fantasma
Halloween - Banderín - Versión 2 - Bruja
Halloween - Banderín Versión 3 - Calabaza
Halloween - Datos Principales
Mentalidad de Crecimiento -Trick or “Three” Halloween Minilibro
Monster Stick Puppets
YO SOY… Afirmaciones Positivas - Acróstico Calabaza
Welcome October - Monthly Activity
¡Disfruta de los beneficios de fomentar una cultura de mentalidad de crecimiento en tu clase!
This resource is designed to introduce and share charming little monster-themed posters that will bring a sense of fun and creativity to your classroom. These unique little friends will create an unforgettable atmosphere, making back-to-school a truly special, imaginative, and incredibly enjoyable event.
Each monster showcases an idea and character that will leave a lasting message of motivation and positivity in your students’ minds. These messages are sure to be remembered for a long time.
To ensure a lasting impact of the posters, the resource includes a worksheet where children can select their favorite poster and engage in reflection. This activity encourages them to take ownership of the message by analyzing it in the context of their own lives and from their unique perspectives.
This resource includes:
Poster 1: Back to School With Monstrous Excitement and Curiosity!
Poster 2: Monstrous Minds, Ready to Conquer the School Year!
Poster 3: Monstrous Achievements Await Get Ready for an Epic School Year
Poster 4: Let Your Imagination Run Wild, Welcome to a Monstrously Fun School Year!
Poster 5: Monstrous Dreams, Big Goals Back to School with Enthusiasm!
Poster 6: Welcome Back, Monstrously Amazing Students!
Poster 7: Embrace the Monster Within and Achieve Greatness!
Poster 8: In the Land of Education, Let your Monster Curiosity Lead the Way!
Poster 9: Let’s be Monstrously Kind to Our Friends and Classmates!
Poster 10: In this School, We Find Magic in Learning and Friendship!
Poster 11: Together, We Can Create a Monstrously Awesome Classroom!
Poster 12: Back to School with Laughter and Monstrously Fun Adventures!
Reflection Worksheet: Back to School - Quote Posters
Regreso a la Escuela Pósteres de Monstruos
★ You may like these BACK TO SCHOOL resources:
My School - Bucket and Spade List Craft
New School Year Album - Visualizing My Goals
Back to School Activities and Crafts
Back to School - Monsters Album
Back to School - Monsters Love School - Activities
Back to School Monsters Decor | Bulletin Board and Door
Back to School Monsters Bookmark Craft
Back to School - Activities
Back to School Activities - Google Slides
Happy Back to School!
Este recurso está diseñado para presentar y compartir encantadores pósteres de monstruitos que aportarán diversión y creatividad a tu clase. Estos singulares amiguitos crearán un ambiente inolvidable, haciendo del regreso a la escuela un acontecimiento verdaderamente especial, imaginativo e increíblemente divertido.
Cada monstruo presenta una idea y un personaje que dejará un mensaje duradero de motivación y positividad en la mente de tus estudiantes. Seguro que recordarán estos mensajes durante mucho tiempo.
Para garantizar un impacto duradero de los pósteres, el recurso incluye una hoja de trabajo en la que los niños pueden seleccionar su póster favorito y reflexionar sobre él. Esta actividad les anima a apropiarse del mensaje analizándolo en el contexto de sus propias vidas y desde sus perspectivas únicas.
Este recurso incluye:
Póster 1: ¡Regresa a la Escuela … Con una Monstruosa Emoción y Curiosidad!
Póster 2: ¡Mentes Monstruosas, Listas para Conquistar el Año Escolar!
Póster 3: ¡Te Esperan Logros Monstruosos, Prepárate para un Año Escolar Increíble!
Póster 4: ¡Deja Volar tu Imaginación, Bienvenidos a un Año Escolar Monstruosamente Divertido!
Póster 5: ¡Grandes Metas y Monstruosos Sueños, Regresa a la Escuela con Entusiasmo!
Póster 6: ¡Bienvenidos, Estudiantes Monstruosamente Fantásticos!
Póster 7: ¡Abraza tu Monstruo Interior y Alcanza la Grandeza!
Póster 8: ¡En el Campo de la Educación, Deja que tu Monstruosa Curiosidad te Guíe!
Póster 9: ¡Seamos Monstruosamente Amables con Nuestros Amigos y Compañeros de Clase!
Póster 10: ¡En esta escuela, encontramos la magia en el aprendizaje y la amistad!
Póster 11: ¡Juntos Podemos Crear una Clase Monstruosamente Maravillosa!
Póster 12: ¡Regresa a la Escuela Entre Risas y Aventuras Monstruosamente Divertidas!
Hoja de Reflexión: Regreso a la Escuela - Pósteres con Frases
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* Descarga la Versión en Inglés
¡Feliz Regreso a la Escuela!
¿Quiere enseñar a sus niños a apreciar y respetar a los animales? Este recurso sirve de inspiración para que tus estudiantes ayuden activamente, protejan y aprendan de la naturaleza. Ayuda a fomentar la empatía y la amabilidad hacia los animales.
Las descripciones de este recurso se centran en enseñar a los niños el comportamiento de los animales. Los estudiantes pueden leer y reflexionar sobre las numerosas lecciones que los animales pueden enseñarnos.
Es perfecto para utilizar con los niños y las familias en proyectos relacionados con los animales.
Además, se incluye una plantilla vacía que permite a los estudiantes escribir sobre sus mascotas o animales favoritos.
Los niños tienen un amor natural por los animales, pero es importante que comprendan que criaturas de todos los tamaños, desde el insecto más diminuto hasta el poderoso león, pueden impartir valiosas lecciones de vida.
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Portada - Cosas Que Nos Enseñan Los Animales
Página 2: Oso, Zorro, Nutra, Mapache
Página 3: Búho, Leon, Águila, Mono
Página 4: Araña, Camello, Delfín, Colibrí
Página 5: Contraportada - Cosas que los Animales me Enseñan
Download More Versions:
English Version - PDF Printable
English Version - Google Slides
Spanish Version - PDF Printable
Spanish Version - Google Slides
★Related resources:
Mascotas Presentación PowerPoint
Mascotas Mini Libro y Banderín
Día de la Mascota | Etiqueta de Cordón
¡Feliz Día del Zoológico y de los Amantes de los Animales!
Would you like to teach your kids about appreciating and respecting animals?
This resource serves as an inspiration for your kids to actively help, protect, and learn from nature. It aids in fostering empathy and kindness towards animals.
The descriptions provided in this resource focus on teaching kids about animal behavior. Students can read and reflect upon the numerous lessons that animals can teach us.
It is perfect to use with your kids and families when engaging in animal-related projects. Additionally, there is an empty template included, allowing students to write about their pets or favorite animals.
Children have a natural love for animals, but it’s important for them to understand that creatures of all sizes, from the tiniest bug to the mighty lion, can impart valuable life lessons.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Cover - Things Animals Teach Us
Page 2: Bear, Fox, Otter, Raccoon
Page 3: Owl, Lion, Eagle, Monkey
Page 4: Spider, Camel, Dolphin, Hummingbird
Page 5: Last page - Things Animals Teach Me
Download More Versions:
English Version - PDF Printable
English Version - Google Slides
Spanish Version - PDF Printable
Spanish Version - Google Slides
Related Resources:
Pets Mini Book and Pennant | Banner
Pets PowerPoint Presentation
Pet Day | Lanyard Tag
Happy Zoo Day & Animal’s Lovers!
This resource serves as an inspiration for your kids to actively help, protect, and learn from nature. It aids in fostering empathy and kindness towards animals.
The descriptions provided in this resource focus on teaching kids about animal behavior. Students can read and reflect upon the numerous lessons that animals can teach us.
It is perfect to use with your kids and families when engaging in animal-related projects. Additionally, there is an empty template included, allowing students to write about their pets or favorite animals.
Easily use this activity for distance learning by sending Google slides to your students’ homes! This resource offers an easy manual to help parents and kids to draw or use shapes to complete the activity.
This resource includes:
Slide 1: Cover - Things Animals Teach Us
Slide 2: Bear, Fox, Otter, Raccoon
Slide 3: Owl, Lion, Eagle, Monkey
Slide 4: Spider, Camel, Dolphin, Hummingbird
Slide 5: Things Animals Teach Me 1
Slide 6: Things Animals Teach Me 2
Download More Versions:
English Version - PDF Printable
English Version - Google Slides
Spanish Version - PDF Printable
Spanish Version - Google Slides
★ You may like this resource:
Pets Mini Book and Pennant | Banner
Pet Day | Lanyard Tag
The Zoo - Things Animals Teach Us
Happy Zoo Day and Animal’s Lovers!
Este recurso sirve de inspiración para que tus niños ayuden activamente, protejan y aprendan de la naturaleza. Ayuda a fomentar la empatía y la amabilidad hacia los animales.
Las descripciones de este recurso se centran en enseñar a los niños el comportamiento de los animales. Los estudiantes pueden leer y reflexionar sobre las numerosas lecciones que los animales pueden enseñarnos.
Es perfecto para utilizar con los niños y las familias en proyectos relacionados con los animales. Además, se incluye una plantilla vacía que permite a los estudiantes escribir sobre sus mascotas o animales favoritos.
Utiliza fácilmente esta actividad para la enseñanza a distancia enviando las diapositivas de Google a casa de tus estudiantes. Este recurso ofrece un sencillo manual para ayudar a padres e hijos a dibujar o utilizar formas para completar la actividad.
Este recurso incluye:
Diapositiva 1: Portada - Cosas Que Nos Enseñan Los Animales
Diapositiva 2: Oso, Zorro, Nutra, Mapache
Diapositiva 3: Búho, Leon, Águila, Mono
Diapositiva 4: Araña, Camello, Delfín, Colibrí
Diapositiva 5: Cosas que los Animales me Enseñan 1
Diapositiva 6: Cosas que los Animales me Enseñan 2
Download More Versions:
English Version - PDF Printable
English Version - Google Slides
Spanish Version - PDF Printable
Spanish Version - Google Slides
★Related resources:
Mascotas Presentación PowerPoint
Mascotas Mini Libro y Banderín
Día de la Mascota | Etiqueta de Cordón
¡Feliz Día del Zoológico y de los Amantes de los Animales!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Patriot’s Day - Battle of Lexington and Concord. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms!
The historical events of the past can sometimes feel distant to children. However, this resource bridges the gap by helping children identify key events through a simple short story with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
This engaging resource introduces our students to one of the most significant events in American history: the Battle of Lexington and Concord. Through a captivating story format, your children will not only understand but also enjoy reading about this important event.
Students will read the story, complete a “story events” drawing, and respond to pre-reading questions. To solidify their understanding, they will also fill out a chart highlighting the main components of the Battle of Lexington and Concord’s story.
With the opportunity to become illustrators and active participants in this remarkable historical event, children will find themselves immersed in the learning experience.
The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Cover of the Battle (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: PLOT: Beginning of the Battle (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: Middle of the Battle (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: End of the Battle (English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: Complete the parts of the Story (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Patriot’s Day!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Patriot’s Day - Battle of Lexington and Concord - Google Slides. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms!
The historical events of the past can sometimes feel distant to children. However, this resource bridges the gap by helping children identify key events through a simple short story with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
This engaging resource introduces our students to one of the most significant events in American history: the Battle of Lexington and Concord. Through a captivating story format, your children will not only understand but also enjoy reading about this important event.
Students will read the story, complete a “story events” drawing, and respond to pre-reading questions. To solidify their understanding, they will also fill out a chart highlighting the main components of the Battle of Lexington and Concord’s story.
This resource offers an easy manual to help parents and kids to draw or use shapes to complete this activity.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Slide 1: Cover of the Battle (English and Spanish version)
Slide 2: PLOT: Beginning of the Battle (English and Spanish version)
Slide 3: Middle of the Battle (English and Spanish version)
Slide 4: End of the Battle (English and Spanish version)
Slide 5: Complete the parts of the Story (English and Spanish version)
Happy Patriot’s Day!
Incorporate the vibrant traditions of Diwali into your curriculum with this engaging activity set. Designed to help students connect personally with the festival, this resource enhances their learning while celebrating multiculturalism.
The “Complete the Text” worksheet introduces students to the significance of Diwali, while the five-day challenge reinforces the festival’s core theme of sharing with others.
Students will also explore the artistry of Rangoli, using their creativity to design unique patterns. A Venn diagram activity highlights the similarities and differences between Diwali and Christmas, promoting cultural appreciation. Additionally, students will learn how Diwali is celebrated both in India and in their own country.
Decorate your classroom or hallways with beautifully crafted Diyas for an authentic touch, earning compliments on your festive decor!
This resource includes:
Page 1: What is Diwali?
Page 2: What is Diwali? - Answer Sheet
Page 3: On Diwali We Share - Five Days Challenge
Page 4: My Rangoli
Page 5: How Diwali is Celebrated in India / In My Country?
Page 6: Diwali and Christmas - Venn Diagram
Page 7: Happy Diwali - Diya Craft
★Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
Happy Diwali!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Labor Day / International Workers’ Day. This Labor Day Activities resource helps students explore the meaning of Labor Day or Worker’s Day in a fun and meaningful way. Through reflection and creativity, students will appreciate workers’ vital role in society. They’ll interview family or school staff, discover different jobs, and recognize workers’ contributions to their communities. To express gratitude, children will design a heartfelt pennant card with a personal message honoring workers. Perfect for fostering appreciation and learning, this resource makes Labor Day both educational and inspiring!
These pennants make fantastic decorations for the classroom or home, and it’s always a delight for kids to see their work showcased throughout the school.
Another activity included is ‘If I were a worker,’ which inspires students to consider their career aspirations and brainstorm different types of jobs they might be interested in.
The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Labor Day Celebration Mind map (English and Spanish Version)
Labor Day Main Facts Mind map - empty format (English and Spanish Version)
Labor Day Interview (English and Spanish Version)
Labor Day Pennant/Banner Card (English and Spanish Version)
If I Were a Worker … (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Labor Day!
Feliz Día del Trabajador!
Book Week and Book Day activity aims to cultivate a love of books among students. This educational resource is designed to bring children closer to the books and authors they already adoreand introduce them to new genres and authors they will cherish in the future.
You can create a truly educational experience for your students by using the Book Day Activity as the perfect opportunity to teach them about the joys of reading and introduce them to new genres and authors they may have never encountered. This literacy resource will help your students become better readers and writers, enhancing their literacy skills.
Ensure that Book Day is a memorable and exciting experience for all, and witness your students’ love of reading grow! This engaging reading event is an ideal way to promote literacy, reading comprehension, and a lifelong love for literature in your classroom.
This resource includes:
My Favorite Book Pennant
Parts of the Book -Worksheet
I Can Read a Book… 7- Day Challenge
Book Genres Worksheets
Book Recommendation
Happy Book Day Bookmark
★ Related resources:
English Version - PDF Printable
English Version - Google Slides
Spanish Version - PDF Printable
Spanish Version - Google Slides
Dr. Seuss / Theodore Seuss Geisel - Activity
National Poetry Day Activities
National Reading Day
Nonfiction Books Activity
Nonfiction Books Activity - Google Slides
Paul Bunyan - Enjoy a Good Story
Happy Book Day!
Este recurso sobre Día Internacional de la Mujer, (Women’s Day in Spanish) es ideal para honrar la vida y los logros de las mujeres, tanto si son ampliamente reconocidos como si no. Anima a los estudiantes a identificar a las mujeres que han marcado una diferencia significativa en el mundo y a las que admiran y quieren. Transforme el aula o la escuela en una vibrante exposición decorándola con fotos y nombres de estas mujeres inspiradoras. Es un homenaje significativo que fomenta el aprecio y el respeto.
La ficha de investigación biográfica es una valiosa herramienta para que los estudiantes recopilen información sobre mujeres influyentes a lo largo de la historia. Los estudiantes pueden utilizar libros y artículos como referencias para completar sus hojas de trabajo, mejorando sus habilidades de investigación y profundizando su comprensión.
Para que el proyecto resulte visualmente atractivo, utiliza el papel de colores que prefieras. Se recomienda imprimir los banderines en cartulina para garantizar su durabilidad y calidad. Celebra los logros de las mujeres e inspira a los estudiantes con este atractivo recurso para el Día Internacional de la Mujer.
Este recurso incluye:
Ocho banderines del Día Internacional de la Mujer en blanco y negro. Un banderín casi vacío para el estudiante lo pueda completar de acuerdo a su criterio o gusto.
Una hoja de Investigación Biográfica en blanco y negro.
Ocho banderines diferentes:
La mujer más importante de mi vida
Mi artista favorita
Mi científica favorita
Mi política favorita
Mi deportista favorita
Mi figura histórica favorita
Mi escritora favorita
Mi mujer favorita ________
★Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
Día Internacional de la Mujer - Presentación PowerPoint
Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Bio - Google Slides
Día Internacional de la Mujer - Actividad
El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí…
Día Internacional de la Mujer - Manualidad y Tarjeta
Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderín (FREE SAMPLE!)
Harriet Tubman - Actividad
Rosa Parks - Actividad
¡Feliz Día de la Mujer!
Teaching about bullying requires careful selection of appropriate teaching resources and a pedagogical approach that integrates critical thinking and reflection. This resource is ideal for preventing and identifying different types of bullying and associated behaviors while equipping students with effective tools to address such situations.
This activity provides your students with opportunities for reflection, they can develop strategies to respond to bullying incidents and recognize that they are not alone in confronting this issue.
Empathy plays a vital role in preventing bullying. This resource encourages children to adopt a perspective that considers others, rather than focusing solely on themselves. Students are encouraged to explore the emotions and experiences of individuals who are being bullied or subjected to unkind behavior.
Just imagine the sense of pride your students will experience as they proudly wear their anti-bullying medals and confidently explain their role in combating bullying!
This resource includes:
What is Bullying?
Types of Bullying
Bully and Bully Victim
Letter to a Bully
Letter to a Victim of Bullying
Anti-Bullying Medal
★Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
★ You may like these resources:
Bullying Mindmap
Anti-Bullying Activity
Bullying and Anti-Bullying PowerPoint Presentation
Happy Anti-Bullying Day!
Boost critical problem-solving skills and foster self-reliance with this engaging Social Problem Solving Raccoon-Themed SEL Activity. Through immersive scenarios, students develop empathy by exploring different perspectives and learning to resolve conflicts effectively. This resource introduces a powerful 5-step problem-solving framework, guiding students toward smarter decisions and clear emotional expression.
Students strengthen their social skills by tackling real-life school situations and gaining confidence in navigating complex interactions. It’s also the perfect activity to celebrate International Raccoon Appreciation Day, making social learning fun and impactful!
This resource is an ideal choice to commemorate International Raccoon Appreciation Day!
This resource includes:
Let’s Help Solve Problems (creating a character)
Identifying the Raccoon Problems I
Identifying the Raccoon Problems II
Problem Solving Steps
Help the Raccoon Solve Problems at School
Solving My Problems
Download More Versions
Download the Spanish version
Social Problem Solving PowerPoint Presentation (Raccoon Theme)
Social Problem Solving Journey - Raccoon Theme
Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme - Google Slides
★You may like these resources:
Honesty - Panda Theme
Patience - Turtle Theme
Responsibility - Rabbit Theme
Self-Respect - Fox Theme
Social Problem Solving Journey - Raccoon Theme
Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme
Tolerance - Bear Theme
This Women’s Day Banners, Pennants, and Biography resource is perfect for celebrating the lives and achievements of women, whether famous or not. Encourage students to recognize women who have significantly impacted those they admire and love. Transform the classroom or school into a vibrant tribute by decorating it with pictures and names of these inspirational women, fostering appreciation and respect.
The Biography Research Worksheet offers a valuable tool for students to gather information about influential women throughout history. Students can utilize books and articles as references to complete their worksheets, enhancing their research skills and deepening their understanding.
For a visually appealing project, use colorful paper of choice. Printing the pennants on cardstock is highly recommended to ensure durability and quality. Celebrate the achievements of women and inspire students with this engaging International Women’s Day resource!
This resource includes:
Eight different International Women’s Day pennants/banners in black and white. One to be completed for a special person that your students want to celebrate: famous artist, teacher, friend, etc.
A Biography Research Worksheet in black and white.
There are eight different pennants:
The most important woman in my life
My favorite artist
My favorite scientist
My favorite politician
My favorite female athlete
My favorite historical figure
My favorite female writer
My favorite woman ________
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation
International Women’s Day Activity
International Women’s Day Means to Me…
International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Bio Research - GoogleSlides
International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write
International Women’s Day Craft and Card
International Women’s Day - Banner / Pennant FREE SAMPLE!!
Harriet Tubman Activity
Rosa Parks - Activity
Ruby Bridges Activity
Happy Women’s Day!